About us

Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone

As one of the seven major petrochemical industry bases in China and a state-level economic and technological development zone, it is a chemical park with the largest number of well-known multinational chemical enterprises, high-end leading industries, strict safety and environmental protection management, and leading circular economy level。

Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone Development Co., LTD

The main body of development, construction and operation of Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone, responsible for development and construction, investment promotion, supporting services and other functions, is a professional land developer and integrated service provider。

Information center

Development concept

  • Product project integration
    With petrochemical product chain as investment orientation, build the upper, middle and downstream product project cycle chain
  • Common auxiliary integration
    We will focus on building public supporting facilities such as water supply, power supply, heat supply and gas supply, and establish market-based operation and service models
  • Logistics transmission integration
    We will build a logistics system including docks, pipelines, roads, railways and storage facilities, and establish a safe and convenient logistics network
  • Integration of environmental protection
    Build a green development environment, build a circular economy demonstration base, and realize the harmonious development of industry and ecology
  • Management service integration
    We will provide "one-door" government affairs services and improve social public services to create an efficient and convenient business environment

Investment cooperation

Industry orientation