• 199608/12

    The Shanghai Municipal government decided to build Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone in Caojing District

  • 199608/30

    Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone Development Co., Ltd. was established

  • 199609/28

    Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone reclamation (Phase I) project officially started

  • 199804/26

    Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park reclamation (Phase I) project completed

  • 199912/28

    Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone Development Co., Ltd. reorganized as a joint venture multi-investment enterprise

  • 200101/06

    Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park held a groundbreaking ceremony, and the first batch of main projects started construction

  • 200111/23

    Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone Management Committee was officially inaugurated

  • 200202/22

    The Environmental Impact Report of the Regional Development of Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone was approved by the State Environmental Protection Administration;In the same month, the "Overall Development Plan of Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone" was approved by the State Planning Commission, and the development and construction of chemical industry was included in the national chemical industry development strategy

  • 200403/16

    Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park Emergency response Center officially opened

  • 200504/26

    The 6 square kilometers reclamation project in the west of Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone was completed, with a total area of 29.4 square kilometers of planning area formed

  • 200506/29

    Shanghai SECco 900,000 tons ethylene project was completed and put into operation

  • 200608/18

    Shanghai joint isocyanate project was completed and put into operation

  • 200609/05

    Bayer integrated base built polymer, polyurethane, coatings three product lines

  • 200712/31

    The total investment of Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone has exceeded 10 billion US dollars

  • 200912/25

    Jinshan Sub-district and Fengxian Sub-district are officially included in the integrated management scope of Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone

  • 201203/02

    Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone was upgraded to a state-level economic and technological development zone

  • 201406/04

    Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone is listed as one of the seven major petrochemical industry bases in China

  • 201604/26

    Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone Enterprise Association was formally established, with a responsible care working committee

  • 201809/17

    Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park Public Pipe Gallery Co., Ltd. drafted the first national standard for chemical parks in the country, "Chemical Park public pipe gallery management Regulations" was approved

  • 201902/20

    Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone and Invista signed a memorandum of cooperation to launch the design and planning of 400,000 tons adiponitrile (ADN) production site

  • 201911/28

    Following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone in September, LANXESS announced that it will establish an Asia-Pacific application development center in the Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone

  • 201912/28

    The Shanghai International Innovation Center for New Chemical Materials was launched