The synthesis laboratory of Shanghai Institute of Integrated Circuit Materials was officially opened in Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone
On the morning of February 6th,The integrated Circuit Materials Synthesis Laboratory invested by Shanghai Institute of Integrated Circuit Materials (" Jiji Institute ") in Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park was officially opened,This is not only an important part of the Shanghai electronic Chemicals Zone to accelerate the creation of independent innovation platform,It is also one of the research and development test institutions introduced by Shanghai International Chemical New Materials Innovation Center,It has become another important milestone for Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone to accelerate innovation drive and promote the integration of industrial chain and innovation chain。

Since 2020, Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone has taken the initiative to align with the national strategy and the development needs of Shanghai integrated circuit and other leading industries, vigorously promoted the construction of Shanghai electronic Chemicals Zone, and helped promote the coordinated development of science and innovation construction with the cultivation of independent innovation platform as a link, and achieved remarkable results。

Ma Jing, Director of the Management Committee, Hou Jinhua, deputy director, Jin Jian, general manager of the development company, Yu Yuehui, Party Secretary of the Institute of Microsystems of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yu Wenjie, deputy director of the Institute of Microsystems of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chairman and general manager of the Skidding Institute, attended the unveiling ceremony and visited the site and discussed。

Zhu Jian, deputy general manager of the development company, the relevant departments of the management committee, the development of the company's business department, and the relevant personnel of the enterprise development company participated in the activity。

For the common demands of integrated circuit material enterprises in performance testing and research and development verification, SKIDding Institute registered a wholly-owned subsidiary Shanghai Skidding Microelectronics Material Technology Co., Ltd. in the electronic Chemicals Zone in January 2022, and settled in Shanghai International Chemical New Material Innovation Center。The registered capital is 30 million yuan, and the total investment in the first phase of project construction is 1.500 million yuan, the total construction area of nearly 2100 square meters。

The platform has been built into synthetic laboratory, amplification laboratory, purification and canning laboratory, analysis laboratory and other professional laboratories,Chemical synthesis technology can be developed to synthesize integrated circuit materials with precise and controllable structure,Explore the amplification process and prepare kg integrated circuit materials,And develop raw material purification technology, preparation of ppb, ppt grade gold impurity content of IC materials。The analysis laboratory can provide comprehensive and systematic analysis of IC material testing and characterization, and will gradually establish industry standards for IC material analysis and testing and operation specifications。At the same time, the analytical laboratory service capabilities are shared and open to enterprises in the zone。

(Part of public service capacity of Jiji Institute Laboratory)